Man on a Mission (DVD REVIEW)
Man on a Mission
DVD Review by Kam Williams
DVD Chronicles Computer Game Inventor’s Outer Space Adventure
since he was a child, Richard Garriott’s dream was to follow in his
astronaut father’s footsteps by becoming an astronaut. After all, during
his formative years he got to watch his dad, Owen, rocket into orbit
aboard NASA Skylab and Space Shuttle missions.
But Richard was
ruled ineligible because of his poor vision, so he had to pursue another
line of work entirely. And he went on to enjoy astounding success as a
computer programmer, most notably as the inventor of the successful
series of Ultima fantasy games.
Still wanting to experience
space travel, he eventually approached Russia about becoming a
cosmonaut, and was allowed to purchase a ticket aboard a Soyuz launch
for $30 million. So, at the age of 47, he was finally able to fulfill
his elusive lifelong dream.
The long road to that unlikely
achievement is carefully recounted in Man on a Mission, an inspirational
biopic chronicling the extra-terrestrial exploits of a nearsighted
nerd-turned-21st century Buck Rogers. Provided you can get past the
specter of a self-indulgent rich guy spending so much money to become
the first father and son in history to escape the Earth’s gravity, the
picture is actually fairly fascinating.
The film reveals some
rather intimate details about life aboard the International Space
Station, from how the crew members go to the bathroom to how they stay
in shape to how they entertain each other by juggling and doing card
tricks. They also conduct scientific experiments, even Richard, who
documented exactly what happens when ice melts in outer space.
movie has its funny moments, too, like when a couple of astronauts
floating opposite head-to-toe keep accusing each other of being the one
who’s upside-down. Plus, there is the sobering interlude when Richard
expresses his apprehension about the danger of immolation during the
capsule’s fiery reentry into the atmosphere at the end of the 12-day
Revenge of the computer geek!
Very Good (3 stars)
Running time: 83 minutes
Distributor: First Run Features
DVD Extras: Apogee of Fear; Post-Flight Wrap Up; After Touchdown; Richard’s 30 Year Exploration Plan; and Magic Time.
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