Wednesday, September 26, 2012


by Ann Coulter
Sentinel HC
cial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama
Hardcover, $26.95
336 pages
ISBN: 978-1-59523-099-7
Book Review by Kam Williams

“Whites don’t think they have the moral authority to ask anything of black people, certainly not to judge them. But there’s something wrong with people who have a 70% illegitimacy rate. This is a group of people who are lost. But [they] are surrounded by whites who refuse to [say] that.
White guilt has never produced anything but catastrophe. White guilt fueled the liberal crime policies that resulted in … hundreds of thousands of murders, to say nothing of maimings, burnings and rapes.
White guilt got us huge towers blocks of public housing that are fortresses of social pathology. It produced the entire entitlement-dominated politics we have now.
It produced a destructive welfare state… It got us anxiety, anger, fear… and it got us the most left-wing president America has ever seen.”
-- Excerpted from Chapter 17, “White Guilt Kills (pgs. 260-261)

            Attorney Ann Coulter is an incendiary political pundit given to making controversial remarks which routinely elicit emotional reactions from television viewers. The flame-throwing arch-conservative is also the author of nine best-sellers, the latest being Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama.
            What makes this book unique is its specific focus on African-Americans, a community the author has a lot of bones to pick with. She basically feels blacks have gotten away with murder, literally (ala O.J. Simpson) and figuratively (ala phony accusations of racism), thanks to a collective white liberal guilt that has lingered around long past its usefulness during the period of the Civil Rights Movement.   
            The author argues that although the United States entered a post-racial age back in the Seventies, African-Americans have continued to leverage an outdated mindset as though the shameful days of segregation and discrimination still exist. As proof, she refers to a number of racial incidents via trademark sound bites designed to elicit a Pavlovian response from her rabid readers.
            For example, Ms. Coulter claims President Obama looks more like a killer named Michael LaSane than he resembles Trayvon Martin. And she says that the First Lady is angry because she knows the country “is snickering at her behind her back.”
            Coulter counters Michael Moore’s publishing Stupid White Men by asking: “Shall we compare SAT scores, cultural contributions and inventions?” She also alleges that “Liberals’ general view of Christians is that they are simpleminded Nazis,” and that it won’t be long before they’ll be attacking “ministers who criticize sin.”
            She calls Reverend Jeremiah Wright an anti-Semite, accuses the late lawyer Bob Kardashian of being “O.J.’s accomplice,“ and praises the Confederate flag as “a symbol of military valor, not racism.” But perhaps she’s most revealing when sharing a little inside scoop about white people, so black people won’t have to feel paranoid. “We’re not thinking about you. We think everybody’s inferior.”
            Aggravating red meat from a politically-incorrect, right-wing zealot unafraid to play the race card.      

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