Kam's Kapsules: Weekly Previews That Make Choosing a Film Fun
Kam's Kapsules:
Weekly Previews That Make Choosing a Film Fun
by Kam Williams
For movies opening Thanksgiving 2008
Australia (PG-13 for violence, sensuality and profanity) Romance drama, set at the dawn of WWII just before the bombing of Darwin by the Japanese, chronicles the love relationship which blossoms between a genteel heiress (Nicole Kidman) and the rough-hewn rancher (Hugh Jackman) who helps her drive a herd of 2,000 head of cattle to market across hundreds of miles of unforgiving terrain. Aboriginal cast includes David Gulpilil, Brandon Walters and David Ngoombujarra.
Four Christmases (PG-13 for profanity and sexual humor) Dysfunctional family comedy, set in San Francisco, about an unhappily-married couple (Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon) forced to spend the holidays with several sets of relatives after their plans for an exotic getaway are ruined when the fog rolls in. Ensemble cast includes Robert Duvall, Mary Steenburgen, Dwight Yoakam, Tim McGraw, Jon Voight, Sissy Spacek, Jon Favreau and Kristin Chenoweth.
Transporter 3 (PG-13 for violence, intense action, sexuality and drug use) High-octane adventure with Jason Statham returning as the gruff, two-fisted chauffeur for a mission where he falls in love with the kidnapped daughter (Natalya Rudakova) of a powerful Ukrainian politician (Jeroen Krabbe) while driving her from Marseilles to Odessa through a gauntlet of mob goons.
Milk (R for profanity, sexuality and violence) Sean Penn plays Harvey Milk in this bio-pic about the openly-gay San Francisco politician assassinated in 1978 by a Republican colleague (Josh Brolin) who successfully raised the “Twinkie defense” to beat the murder rap. Cast includes James Franco, Emile Hirsch, Alison Pill and Diego Luna.
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