Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oooooh... Say It Again (BOOK REVIEW)

Oooooh... Say It Again:
Mastering the Fine Art of Verbal Seduction and Aural Sex
by Alan Roger Currie
Mode One Enterprises
Paperback, $19.95
218 pages
ISBN: 978-1-61434-885-6

Book Review by Kam Williams

“How can you get a woman sexually aroused simply by using certain words, your voice, and your overall conversation skills? Why do women pretend to be prudish when they are really open-minded, free-spirited, and erotically uninhibited? Why do some women pretend to be only interested in long-term, monogamous sex when in reality they have and will indulge in short-term, non-monogamous sex?
These are just some of the questions I will address in this book. Hopefully, after reading through it, you will have some of the answers and advice you need to improve your ability to verbally seduce those women who you are most interested in having sex with.”
-- Excerpted from the Introduction (pg. 8)

Judging by the statistics which indicate that 85% of African-American children are now being raised by single mothers, a lot of brothers probably prefer being players rather than daddies. If you’re inclined to spread your wild oats indiscriminately, but don’t have a lot of confidence, you might want to check out Oooooh... Say It Again, an unapologetic primer for men on how to be a womanizer.
The book was written by Alan Roger Currie, a college grad with a degree from Indiana University in Economics, not Psychology. But that doesn’t stop this self-proclaimed love doctor from dispensing lust advice about how to approach females, whom he divides into four general categories: Reciprocators, Rejecters, Pretenders and Timewasters.
Assuming you’re the type of guy who’s only interested in one-night stands, he warns that, “If you are spending a lot of hours, days, weeks and months trying to get women who are Rejecters and Timewasters into bed, you are truly wasting your valuable time.” FYI, the former are females who are not attracted to you, while the latter are flirts who aren’t interested either.
Once you have determined that you do have some sexual chemistry with the object of your injection, it’s time to hypnotize her via verbal seduction. The idea is to “combine the erotic power of your words, your voice, and your conversational skills with the erotic thoughts and erotic visualizations entertained in a woman’s mind” to the point where she will “want to immediately have sex with you.”
And how do we know this method works? Well, the author is fond of recounting his own triumphs, in vivid detail, like the time he had four women at once. Such kinky sexploits led a backslapping pal of his to exclaim, “Alan, you da man!” before begging “You gotta teach me how to do that!” Thus, the idea of publishing his pearls of wisdom was born.
Everything you always wanted to know about sexual conquest but were afraid to ask.

1 comment:

Mode One Author said...

Well Kam, I have to admit ... I was disappointed with your review of my most recent paperback, Oooooh ... Say it Again: Mastering the Fine Art of Verbal Seduction and Aural Sex. I realize that all book reviews are very subjective, and represent the opinions of those who authored the reviews, so keeping that in mind, I will simply say that everyone is entitled to their own perceptions of my book.

A few things...

1) I've never promoted myself as a licensed therapist and/or psychologist. I make it clear in all of my books that I do not have credentials or certification in psychology. That being said though, I have single heterosexual men in many countries that do pay me by the hour for advice and consultations related to improving their level of confidence, their level of straightforward honesty with women, and their overall interpersonal communication skills with women;

2) Your review did not emphasis the main basis of The Mode One Approach: Non-manipulative, upfront, straightforward honesty with women. Many women complain about men being liars and manipulators (e.g., men pretending to be interested in a long-term monogamous sexual relationship when they are really just interested in casual sex). My books are not solely and specifically about pursuing "one-night stands." My books are about expressing your sexual desires, interests and intentions to women in a more confident, candid and forthright manner

3) I do not say in my book that I had (physical) sex with four women; I mention in the chapter that emphasizes phone sex that I once had four women ON-THE-PHONE with me at once.

4) One message you totally ignored was my repeated emphasis in my book on practicing SAFE SEX and encouraging men to wear CONDOMS! I do not encourage men to be sexually reckless and irresponsible at all

I thought your review was going to be a wee bit longer, and more detailed than what it was. But again, I will respect your review and how you perceived my book to be.

Alan Roger Currie
Author, Mode One: Let the Women Know What You're REALLY Thinking; Upfront and Straightforward: Let the Manipulative Game Players Know What You're REALLY Thinking; Oooooh . . . Say it Again: Mastering the Fine Art of Verbal Seduction and Aural Sex