Voices of Auschwitz (TV REVIEW)
Voices of Auschwitz
TV Review
by Kam Williams
CNN Special Revisits the Liberation of Notorious Concentration Camp
While tracing his roots a year ago,
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer learned for the first time that his paternal grandparents
had perished at Auschwitz during the Second
World War. That discovery made him a natural to host Voices
of Auschwitz, a powerful
documentary commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the
infamous concentration camp.
Over one million Jews were murdered there at the hands of the
Nazis, whether in the crematorium, by firing squad, as guinea pigs in
experiments, or by other methods. This CNN special focuses on the reflections
of a quartet of Auschwitz survivors, Renee Firestone, Martin Greenfield, Eva
Kor, Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, members of an aging fraternity whose numbers are
definitely dwindling. For that reason, it is important to hear how they not
only miraculously managed to survive the ordeal, but went on to lead very
productive lives after the war, despite losing most of their relatives.
Renee relates how upon arriving at Auschwitz, her mother was sent
straight to the gas chamber, while she and her sister were sent into the prison
where she bought time by offering her services as an aspiring fashion designer.
Similarly, Martin worked as a tailor for the Gestapo, and was able to endure
the bitter cold by sewing together scraps of discarded material.
Anita got a reprieve by playing the cello in a makeshift inmate
orchestra, and eventually founded the English Chamber Orchestra. And Eva was
only 10 years-old when her arm was branded “A-7063” at Auschwitz
where she and her twin sister Miriam were subjected to torture on a daily basis
at the hands of the diabolical Dr. Mengele.
Besides interviewing these survivors, Blitzer shares a tete-a-tete
with film director Steven Spielberg, who credits shooting Schindler’s List and
creating the Shoah Foundation for his renewal as a Jew. In sum, this moving memoir
stands as a remarkable testament to the indomitability of the human spirit as
well as a mighty reminder why the evils of the Holocaust must never be
(4 stars)
Running time: 49 minutes
Distributor: CNN
Voices of Auschwitz
premieres on CNN on Wednesday, January 28th @ 9pm ET/PT (check your
local listings)
To see a trailer for Voices
of Auschwitz, visit: http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2015/01/23/exp-promo-voices-of-auschwitz.cnn
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