Risky Medicine
Review by Kam Williams
Quest to Cure Fear and Uncertainty
Dr. Robert Aronowitz, M.D.
of Chicago Press
Review by Kam Williams
“Will ever-more
sensitive tests for cancer lead to longer, better lives? Will
anticipating and trying to prevent the future complications of
chronic disease lead to better health? Not always... In fact, it
often is hurting us.
Exploring the
transformation of health care over the last several decades that has
led doctors to become more attentive to treating risk than treating
symptoms or curing disease, [this book] shows how many aspects of...
clinical practice are now aimed at risk reduction...
This transformation has
been driven in part by the pharmaceutical industry, which benefits by
promoting its products to the larger percentage of the population at
risk for a particular illness, rather than the smaller percentage who
are actually affected by it...
Risky Medicine is a
timely call for a skeptical response to medicine's obsession with
risk, as well as for higher standards of evidence for risk reducing
interventions and a rebalancing of health care to restore an emphasis
on the actual curing and caring for people suffering from disease.”
-- Excerpted from the
upon a time, doctors took the Hippocratic Oath promising to "First,
do no harm." Of course, that was before they handed over control
of the health care industry to pharmaceutical and insurance companies
far more focused on profits than people. And that was also prior to
the rise of defensive medicine in response to the explosion of
malpractice lawsuits.
upshot is that many physicians nowadays could care less about what's
best for their patients, since they get their marching orders from a
combination of avaricious executives and litigation-fearing corporate
attorneys. Consequently, doctors are increasingly devoting less
attention to healing the sick than to figuring out ways to improve
their balance sheets.
evidence of this development can be found in the trend towards
testing and anticipatory treatment. Instead of waiting for a person
to fall ill or exhibit symptoms, practitioners have become advocates
of increasingly early attempts to diagnose a disease, on the theory
that catching it early will improve a patient's prognosis.
is that actually the case? That is the assumption vociferously
disputed by Robert Aronowitz, M.D. in Risky Medicine. Dr. Aronowitz
asserts that "overdiagnosis and overtreatment" have played
a role in the "cost and quality crisis in American medicine."
He says the problem is that mere risk factors and early signs of
disorders are being treated as aggressively as if they were
full-blown diseases, without regard to the patients' quality of life
and financial best interests.
reading for anyone at all skeptical about how the practice of
medicine evolved from simply treating symptoms and curing diseases to
playing on fears and subjecting patients to a seemingly neverending
battery of expensive, invasive and often unreliable tests.
order a copy of Risky Medicine, visit:
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