Zack and Miri Make a Porno DVD
DVD Review by Kam Williams
Headline: Raunchy Kevin Smith Sex Romp Released on DVD
Given its prurient theme, this titillating teensploit proved critic-proof in terms of its targeted raging-hormones demographic. The picture was written and directed by Kevin Smith, a reliable purveyor of bottom-feeding fare, and he definitely does not disappoint his rabid fans here in that regard.
From an N-word laced opening sequence to a steady diet of profanity to its graphic dialogue to gratuitous frontal nudity to its much-anticipated sex scenes, Zack and Miri Make a Porno leaves even less to the imagination than its suggestive, testosterone-teasing title. More shocking than funny, the film revolves around a couple of lifelong platonic friends (Elizabeth Banks and Seth Rogen) who have been roommates since graduating from high school. Both of these slackers are stuck in minimum wage jobs which pay so little they can barely pay their rent or utility bills.
Inspired by a former classmate’s success in the adult film industry, they seize on the bright idea of co-starring in their own xxx-rated film. They agree to mate onscreen, but with mutual promises not to let the momentary intimacy change their otherwise non-physical relationship. All goes well until to Zack and Miri’s surprise (but not the audience’s) they develop deep feelings for each other.
Never amusing, exciting or even funny, but a pathetic attempt to pass off as mainstream entertainment shallow smut that the censors just a generation ago would certainly have rated NC-17. What changed? Have our standards sunk this low?
Fair (1 star)
Rated R for graphic nudity, pervasive profanity, ethnic slurs, explicit sexuality and crude humor.
Running time: 101 minutes
Studio: Genius Products
2-Disc DVD Extras: Deleted and extended scenes, ad-libs, blooper reel, “The Making of” documentary, “Money Shots” webisodes, and more
To see a trailer of Zack and Miri Make a Porno, visit:
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